Hi Just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with setting up a CIL layer and what sort of data you are capturing. Also if you use a back office system to administer the process, which one?
We have a CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) layer. The fields we have are:
- Case Ref (the planning application reference number)
- Address
- Postcode
- CIL area
- Decision date
- Amount of Council CIL
- Amount of Mayoral CIL
There is also scope for including how much has been collected so far, how much to come and so on, but the data we have is just a snapshot from a messy spreadsheet supplied very occasionally so time-sensitive data wouldn’t be useful.
We are also looking at ways of using Statmap to help with consultations of how CIL is spent, and ultimately tracking what the CIL is spent on.
Very interested to see what others are doing with regard to CIL as well.
If you don’t mind me asking, which planning software system are you using to do that with [i.e. maintaining the CIL information in]? Or are you using Earthlight to capture this information?
Hi Steve, thank for this. We’ve only just started preparing to go down this route, so very early days. But no point reinventing the wheel, hence the thread. I’ve passed on the details.
We will be using the Salesforce platform as just starting the project to migrate to that system for our planning, building control and land charges.
Very early days at the moment, hence putting the thread out there.
Hi Jeanette,
We are going to use Exacom for our CIL maintenance but no plans yet to create CIL layer.
I noticed you mentioned Salesforce, have you purchased the Arcus Global Planning System?
Hi Eric/Jeanette,
We’ve not done anything with CIL as far as I’m aware but are using Salesforce. We are also in the process of getting Arcus for our Land Charges and looking at it for Building Control and I suspect Planning might be happening as well.
If either of you are using them, have you integrated any Aurora/Earthlight with them?
Jerry has kindly been looking into how I can use the webservice workflow to pull the required data from Aurora to use in Arcus, however we have become a bit stuck with how to pull all the Layer Names and ID Colunm details from all layers that intersect a specific polygon in a different layer based on it’s ID.
It’d be interesting to hear if anyone else is trying anything similar.
Similar here as well, as we’re looking at Arcus for Planning/Building Control, so I’d be interested in hearing about any integration with Earthlight.
The CIL data is being captured in the IDOX Acolaid system. We haven’t (yet) got Statmap directly linked up to this, we have only been mapping CIL with data exported from IDOX and imported into our usual Postgres database.
Hi Ian,
It will be interesting to see how you can integrate Arcus and Aurora. It will make our lives a lot easier knowing that there is already a working integration in place.