Could I ask people what build number people are on?
We are 2020_618. Implemented in July 2024
I dont think there is a place we can check to see what the latest one is, hence the question
Could I ask people what build number people are on?
We are 2020_618. Implemented in July 2024
I dont think there is a place we can check to see what the latest one is, hence the question
Hi Stuart,
The newest available build of the application is 2020_655.
Please contact us via Jira ticketing system if you would like to schedule an update operation on your environment.
Hi Stuart, we’re on 2020_618 on 2024-07-10 08:16
Hi Robert
Had a ticket in since 2nd December for an EL upgrade
Request 2975
Hi Stuart,
Thank you for the information.
The new build was released yesterday, I will ask Wojtek to contact you as soon as possible in Request-2975 in order to schedule the update operation on your environment.
Excellent timing!
thanks very much
Hi, we are on 2020_635 here, can I ask what has changed between 635 and the new 655 please?
Had to copy and paste this changelog. Wouldnt let me attach sorry.
These are the changes from 619 to 655 if it helps.
Earthlight: Added xsd:import element to WFS.DescribeFeatureType to make WFS work with FME
Earthlight: Added = to versionDate when displaying Release notes
Earthlight: Added GeoTiff export for georeferenced rasters from Album Layers
Earthlight: Added annotation layer selector to Add Annotation side panel
Earthlight: Added full logging for file operations in Repository
Earthlight: Added metadata mapping and export to Catalog Panel
Earthlight: Added optionNames to for classic dropdowns and tag controls
Earthlight: Added projection support to MapLayers
Earthlight: Added retries when download WMTS tiles as our service sometimes failed during batch-printing
Earthlight: Added support for OSTN15
Earthlight: Added support for ngrok tunneling of local WFS to external world for debugging/development purposes
Earthlight: Added support for tracing to layers in different projections then map projection
Earthlight: Added system health check call at https://…/WMS.svc/whatever?request=healthcheck
Earthlight: Another fix so file repository won’t delete the whole EarthlightData
Earthlight: Batch Printing now supports merging results to a single PDFs
Earthlight: Boosted “Default” rendering quality from “Draft” to “Normal”
Earthlight: DropDownBox in sometimes crashed the whole app because it tries to display dropdown below the field at the bottom of the screen
Earthlight: Expanding role categories in Role Editor showed scrollbar only once
Earthlight: Fixed Find Nearest IsGazetteerService exception
Earthlight: Fixed WFS referencing in different schemas
Earthlight: Fixed WGS84 coordinate mapping
Earthlight: Fixed WMS/healtcheck expired session error
Earthlight: Fixed WMS/healtcheck missing map issue when a session is expired
Earthlight: Fixed displaying callouts with broken components
Earthlight: Fixed error when no-longer existing layer was about to become visible
Earthlight: Fixed isochrone calculation: final reprojection was killing the browser as it was done one point at the time
Earthlight: Fixed joins SQL which caused filter queries on joins to give wrong results
Earthlight: Fixed shortest isolines using HERE API with pedestrian mode
Earthlight: Improved speed of Clip Layer for 1) complex overlay layers and 2) records from clipping layer completely contained by overlay layer
Earthlight: InstantEditRecord did not initialize date fields
Earthlight: Made sorting results from gazetteer service case-insensitive
Earthlight: Prevent Repository operations like Create/Rename files and directories “into” wrong names
Earthlight: Prevent escaping repository cache when using …
Earthlight: Added Header to GUS
Earthlight: Made space character in title of Header in inherited GUS to hide header
Earthlight: Added Redirect task to Flows
Earthlight: Fixed “Drill down” from Find in Gazetteer/Find in Layer executed over WMS layers (via WMS.GetFeatureInfo call)
Earthlight: Fixed copying/moving selected records to newly created layer. When reading target projection from map, Earthlight always used EPSG:0.
Earthlight: Fixed double-clicking on File Explorer
Earthlight: Fixed double-clicking on folders in Open dialog
Earthlight: Implemented SendEmail flow task
Earthlight: Refresh Route Itinerary panel when openning a map
Earthlight: Security objects now preserve spaces at starts and ends of string properties
Earthlight: Sometimes address search dropdown list was out of sync with service results, so selecting an address pan to random places
Earthlight: User and Group dialog can now filter users without any group
GazetteerApp: Fixed batch geocoding
GazetteerApp: Fixed querying numbers after non-space delimited postcode, e.g. “HP38NN 22”
JobCenter: Fixed recognizing MapInfo projections
Thanks Stuart, there’s a couple we will be interested in, Earthlight: Implemented SendEmail flow task and Earthlight: Added GeoTiff export for georeferenced rasters from Album Layers, not sure which version this is in. Wonder if the send email flow task also allows a form to be filled in, would allow us to move more to Earthlight Public for maps still in Aurora.