User forum now re-opening for discussions on Earthlight GIS, eVO GMS (for LLPG and LSG), SNN (for managing Street Naming and Numbering application case management), eVO TRO (for managing Traffic Regulation Orders / Traffic Management Orders), Redistricting, Polling District Review, and Horizon case management system modules and capabilities (for Building Control, Planning, Land Charges, etc.)
Good to see a space for us all Gordon
Thanks, Stuart. It was brought up at the Conference last week that there needs to be a discussion forum in operation which will allow users to discuss all matters relating to GIS, gazetteers, case management, traffic regulation orders, etc. I hope that it will be a lively and useful resource in which all users will be able to discuss, converse, collaborate, and innovate together.
Thanks again, Stuart.
P.S. That’s a great album. Many youthful mis-spent hours listening to that
I agree.
I did mention in the feedback to Jeannette, that the Khub may also be a great place as it is really well used on a daily basis.
Allowing non customers to take part might be a great way to introduce them to how life can be.
You have your own customers selling your wares then. There is always someone looking to move software suppliers on there.
The KHub group administrators often take a dim view of suppliers trying to push their commercial wares and services. However, if client authority employees are doing that, then there’s nothing that they can do about that. Therefore, if you’d like to extol the virtues of StatMap on KHub forums, that would be marvellous!
Here is a genuine question - has anyone linked FLARE to Earthlight?
There was some discussion about FLARE some years ago. But I’m not sure that there is any possibility of integration beyond pushing attribute data from FLARE into Earthlight on a scheduled basis. Perhaps someone who’s used it (FLARE) could comment more meaningfully.
Be useful to know if anyone has pushed the GMS / LLPG data into Flare as well.
I know that Jeannette (of StatMap) used to use the Civica APP applications within West Lindsey DC. I’ve asked her the question to see if she might be able to update you. However, I’m pretty certain this was done via DTF CoU files updating their internal gazetteer (within APP / FLARE). I don’t think that Civica FLARE / APP is capable of integrating with JSON APIs (which are exposed via eVO GMS).
Hello, Stuart.
Jeannette has sent you an e-mail about this directly, and - as you’ll have seen - it reads:
"At West Lindsey they use Flare/Civica APP and use a programme ADL in Flare to pull in a csv file which was exported from the gazetteer system. This is set up on the server so it keeps spooling each day without anyone having to do anything.
"There was no direct connection with Flare from the gazetteer, either the Aligned Assets offering or the StatMap GMS which they now use.
“If you need any more help with Flare just drop me a line.”
Clearly, if anyone else would like to ask Jeannette questions about this, just e-mail her directly:
Thanks Gordon, will pick up with Jeannette