Notes of GIS meeting- June 2024

  1. Introductions from group members.
    a. – see separate contact sheet – spreadsheet GIS Contacts

  2. Terms of reference – if required.
    a. Group Name – GIS User Group

b. Purpose of meeting (Share knowledge, Raise concerns, Identify new enhancements, prioritise and record enhancements, update members

c. Consent to share contact details – no one objected, therefore full list of attendees.

  1. Frequency of meeting – suggestion of 6 monthly following conference, or quarterly if no conference

  2. Appointment of Chairperson – suggestion to share this around each meeting, Andy Edney, Bromley has volunteered to host the next meeting.

  3. Support from StatMap – attendance at meeting if required – agreed Jeannette to attend, and invite Marcin if specific technical questions are raised.

  4. Communication Plan – look at StatMap Forum group, WhatsApp, Emails etc. users to decide. JA will dust-down the forum again. Link to Forum, more details below regarding setting it up.

  5. Specific Areas of Responsibility – share responsibility for hosting each meeting. Next one – mid October. Andy Edney, Bromley to arrange.

  6. New Features:
    • Ability to auto-disable users from the system after a set period of time - new option has been added to Global User Settings → Security tab, it is called Account expiry in days without login.
    • A new page has been added to the website, which was a feature request at last year’s conference
    Revision Interval Content Type in Metadata Form - StatMap Help - Confluence ( This information was received after the meeting.

Other videos:
• What3Words video
 Converting x&ys to W3W is free, converting W3W to x&y is subscription.
 Needs organisations to register W3W to obtain the Client Key.
• Backdrops
 Can add dropdowns within backdrop if long list of backdrops
• No URL in PDF
 Adding a relevant link into a specific location within the map
9. Roadmap
Traffic Regulation Orders:
(1) Integration with the DfT D-TRO API. Doncaster are due to take part in the Private Beta Testing phase for the D-TRO project

(2) For TRO Public, we will be working on the introduction of ‘Informal Consultations’ or ‘Pre-consultations’ which allows highway authorities to go through a process of assessing local support for a possible introduction of new restrictions. It’s - in a way - a form of ‘polling’ of the public. This is intended to allow highway authorities to gauge support / opposition before progressing to anything more formal in terms of a TRO proposal.

(3) There is also the possibility for enabling - via TRO Public - members of the public to submit their own TRO proposals, and plot those proposals within the TRO Public map interface. This would be optional for authorities; some may want it, others definitely do not.

(4) We are looking to develop the ability to record and maintain Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs), via integration with the DfT Street Manager application, to replace functionality provided presently by One.Network (now owned by Causeway Technologies). But this is still an ‘ambition’ presently - and we’d be looking for partner authorities to work on this with. – Any volunteers?

Extra info received after the meeting
(5) They can now store and manage documents for each Order within eVO TRO (which are available for internal users), and also publish some (or all) of those documents (such as physical PDF copies of the sealed order) for members of the public to access using TRO Public (if they’ve subscribed to it):

(6) Instead of labels being supported only as text, they can now use visual sign information, using templates which are uploaded to their eVO TRO instance:

GIS: - see separate document for full details
• Map Tale: Unleash the Power of Interactive Storytelling
• QuickView: Seamless Temporary Layer Viewing on Earthlight
• Streamlined Layer Publication & Enhanced Query Support on Earthlight WFS
• Introducing StatMap Insights: Your Go-To Source for Product Updates and New - this is now live, and videos are scheduled for release over the next few weeks. Located in the News and Noteworthy section of the website. Launched today : New and Noteworthy — StatMap

b. Released latest version – 610 has just been released.
10. AOB
a. Leaflet – embedded maps – just to make you aware if you are using this on your corporate systems. Political statement displays the first time under the link. This can be removed. Not a StatMap issue, for your info only.

b. Ref. GIS1 Blackburn (Stuart) – Routing – using open street map is out of date, is there a plan to use anything else?
c. BCP (Dominic) EL Public – who else is using this, it would be good to share knowledge. (West Sussex, Blackburn) also video was shared Configuration Guide — StatMap
d. West Sussex (Elaine) Flows – is anyone using Flows, good to share knowledge (South Kesteven, Blackburn, West Lindsey, Bromley, Kingston, Campbell Reith, BCP)
e. Ref. GIS2 East Lothian (Steven) – GeoReferencing – are there any plans to be able to export TIFF image from mapbase with georeferenced plan added. Aaron at North Somerset interested.
f. Ref. GIS3 ? it would be helpful to know when new releases are made available, can these be scheduled in during the year?
For c, d, e above it was suggested a mini group is formed – see Forum instructions.

Next meeting will be arranged by Andy Edney, Bromley.

StatMap Forum instructions:
I’ve created the following categories:

And linked the GIS USER GROUP group to these categories. I will send out invites to everyone who attended the user group, to join the GIS User Group category. Then you can decide whether you want to be linked to the sub groups or not.
When you log in after receiving an invitation, I need to approve your request.
You will then need to adjust your settings so you can view these categories.

  1. Click on the categories and the pencil icon

  2. Enter a tick into each of the categories you wish to display:

  3. Ensure you click Save Changes.
    Please note no other category is actively being monitored or updated. I am in the process of hiding these from view as they are really old categories, and out of date.