RoadMap Item: QuickView: Seamless Temporary Layer Viewing on Earthlight

Experience unparalleled flexibility and speed with QuickView , the latest feature on our Earthlight GIS platform. QuickView empowers users to upload and visualize spatial layers instantly, without the need for registration or saving data. Ideal for quick analyses, preliminary investigations, or on-the-fly data exploration, QuickView redefines how you interact with spatial information.

Key Benefits:

  • Instant Access: Upload and view spatial layers immediately. No registration, no saving – just instant results.
  • Effortless Exploration: Quickly browse through your data without the commitment of saving it to the spatial warehouse. Perfect for temporary analysis and exploratory tasks.
  • No Credentials Required: Enjoy a seamless experience without the need for credentials. Upload, view, and investigate layers with ease.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Speed up your workflow by eliminating the steps involved in data registration and saving. Focus on what matters – analysing and understanding your data.
  • Versatile Applications: Whether you’re testing new data, comparing multiple datasets, or conducting a preliminary investigation, QuickView offers the flexibility you need.

Why QuickView?

Time-Saving Efficiency: Bypass the registration and saving process, allowing you to dive straight into your data analysis.

User-Friendly Experience: Simplify your workflow with a feature designed for ease of use, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users.

Flexible Data Handling: Explore and analyze spatial layers on-the-fly, without altering your main data repository. Ideal for temporary tasks and quick checks.

Innovative Edge: Stay ahead with a cutting-edge feature that caters to the dynamic needs of GIS professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts.

With QuickView, Earthlight takes your GIS experience to the next level, offering unmatched speed and flexibility. Transform the way you explore spatial data – try QuickView and unlock the potential of instant data visualization.