RoadMap Item: Streamlined Layer Publication & Enhanced Query Support on Earthlight WFS

Unlock a new level of efficiency and functionality with smart WFS, the latest upgrade to our Earthlight GIS platform’s Web Feature Service (WFS). Earthlight simplifies the layer publication process, allowing for faster, automated publishing, while also enhancing your data querying capabilities with robust spatial and attribute queries.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated Layer Publication: Say goodbye to the cumbersome manual process. With Earthlight WFS, layers with associated tags are automatically published. Simply add your layer to the map, assign tags, and watch as it seamlessly integrates into the WFS server.
  • Real-Time Updates: Any changes made to layers in a map that’s already published as a WFS server are instantly reflected. This ensures your data is always current and reduces the need for constant administrative oversight.
  • Effortless Management: Simplify your workflow with automated configurations. Admins no longer need to manually save WFS configurations, streamlining the management process and saving valuable time.
  • Enhanced Query Support: Leverage powerful spatial and attribute queries to extract precise information from your datasets. This new support enriches your analytical capabilities, making data retrieval more efficient and accurate.

Why Earthlight WFS?

Efficiency Boost: Eliminate tedious steps and automate your workflow, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.

Seamless Integration: Experience smooth, automatic updates and real-time data reflection, ensuring your layers are always up-to-date.

Powerful Queries: Enhance your data analysis with comprehensive spatial and attribute querying capabilities, unlocking deeper insights and more precise information.

User-Friendly: Designed with the user in mind, Earthlight WFS offers an intuitive and streamlined process for both novice and experienced users.

Earthlight GIS revolutionizes the way you manage and publish spatial data. Embrace the future of GIS with automated layer publication and advanced query support. Simplify your workflow, enhance your data analysis, and stay ahead with Earthlight.